Re/Union: Re-Editioning Black + Native Histories

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts | July 10-14, 2022

Re/Union: Re-Editioning Black + Native Histories, endeavored to revisit histories and genealogies in gathering together to strengthen ourselves and share knowledge in community. By honoring our relationship to the land, we engaged in a transdisciplinary approach to decolonize the archive of aesthetic creation and traditions. This gathering was a moment in which we rethought, revised, and re-wrote, to embrace multiple ways of interpreting and reading that which has been left out, rendered invisible, or appropriated. Re/Union was intimate in scale, with 74 attendees, and designed to support a dynamic exchange between participants and presenters. Everyone stayed on campus, sharing meals and time together in both structured and unstructured ways. The format blended conversations with studio-based activities, centering wellness and community in a private and stunning setting on the coast of Maine.

Video recap of Re/Union: Re-Editioning Black + Native Histories

Photographs of the multi-day event, Re/Union: Re-Editioning Black + Native Histories

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