Our Indigo Arts Alliance studio is located in the East Bayside neighborhood of Portland, ME. This 4,000-square-foot studio facility functions as a multi-disciplinary arts studio for professional, mid-career and emerging artists to cultivate their artistic development. This studio hosts our Mentorship Residency Program and serves as an educational space and facilitates collaboration, exploration, and growth. The residents have 24-hour access to a flexible work space which contains basic power tools, general art supplies, a printmaking press, several work spaces with built-in storage.

Public Engagement
The Indigo Arts Alliance studio is also the home to our public engagement events, which are led by our Artists in Residents, community members, and partnering organizations. The studio space is easily transformed for exploration of art work and public engagement.

Please Note: We do not rent out our studio facilities for external events. Should you like to partner with Indigo Arts Alliance in co-hosting an event, please email info@indigoartsalliance.me.